Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grandma's Jewelry Box

When I was little I loved going to my grandmother's house and playing dress-up in her closet! There was nothing better than putting on her high heels and layering on the costume jewelry. After my grandmother passed, my mother was entrusted with her most prized pieces of jewelry. The costume jewelry that I cherished as a child was boxed up and forgotten until just a year back. Together my mother and I decided to go through some of my grandparent's items and reminisce. The experience proved bittersweet, but it was also a very worthwhile and healing experience.
So, let me get to the point. Upon discovering the outdated jewels I decided to up-cycle most of the pieces. This way my mother and could honor my grandmother's memory by wearing baubles that otherwise would have been old memories, stuffed in boxes. For sentimental purposes I saved all the original pieces that were not used. If you have older pieces like this, stored away, you should pull them out and consider the best way for you to honor your loved one's memories.
Have fun and browse flea markets, antique shops and auctions. You may find a treasure! A pin, or brooch can be used in a necklace or bracelet design. If you have a broken pearl or crystal necklace, it can easily be restrung. The possibilities to make your vintage jewelry fresh again are endless. If you are interested in fixing or recreating an older piece of jewelry please contact me.

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